First Aid Certificate (includes CPR) = Course Duration: 2 hours face-to-face Refresher/Full + self paced Online learning
CPR Only Certificate = Course Duration: 45 minutes face-to-face Refresher/Full + short self-paced Online learning
First Aid Certificate (includes CPR) = Course Duration: 2 hours face-to-face Refresher/Full + self paced Online learning
CPR Only Certificate = Course Duration: 45 minutes face-to-face Refresher/Full + short self-paced Online learning
First Aid Mid North Coast is very proud to delivery training and assessment in first aid, on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. With this partnership you can only expect the highest of quality and standards when it comes to you training.
Bandaging techniques for sprains
Slings for fractures and broken bones
Deliver back slaps and chest thrusts for choking
Roll an unconscious casualty onto their side
Correct Treatment of snake bite
Emergency use of an epipen
Understand and practice CPR compressions
Hands on application of a defibrillator
And lots more…
X LONG all day Face-to-Face sessions
X Do NOT practice any First Aid techniques
X LONG Day of mainly theory